I'm looking for this kind of life so badly atm, tiring n busying myself so i could past the time n days in a veri fast way, n it reali could help~ thx to god, i found a new job as a jewellery assistant in a mall, compared to my previous job, it is so much easier n i really enjoy, working in an air-con place, wearing pretty cloths, chit-chatting vf others....working in the morning until 6pm, went back home to having dinner vf family, watching tvb dramas n cleaning myself n stuffs until 10pm, start my internet journey n on9 until 12am, oh well is time to sleep.....n my day was end n welcoming the next morning, i felt that i have every single thing to do in an hour/mins, my time was passing so fast, i could slept well in the night without having insomia, it is a good chance for me to change my lifestyle habit to normal~ for the last 2 months, my body getting worst just because of my bad habits, i reversing my time just liike an owl, black eyes circle, pimples n everythings came to visit me, arkkk enough i'm so sick!!! my life will just back to normal n safe if i have something to do or to catch with, i enjoy the busying life, maybe i should keep in on.......
P/S: i found that DR.G bb cream was super nice n good!!! it was easier to apply on ur face n soft, good in moisturised , won't dried up ur skin, covered everythings annoying, made ur skin look better n smooth..... i like it, thats the best bb cream i used compared to others although it was expensive''a bit''XD~ i bought it like $42+++ i think i cant rmb, ladies u should check it out !
I'm looking for this kind of life so badly atm, tiring n busying myself so i could past the time n days in a veri fast way, n it reali could help~ thx to god, i found a new job as a jewellery assistant in a mall, compared to my previous job, it is so much easier n i really enjoy, working in an air-con place, wearing pretty cloths, chit-chatting vf others....working in the morning until 6pm, went back home to having dinner vf family, watching tvb dramas n cleaning myself n stuffs until 10pm, start my internet journey n on9 until 12am, oh well is time to sleep.....n my day was end n welcoming the next morning, i felt that i have every single thing to do in an hour/mins, my time was passing so fast, i could slept well in the night without having insomia, it is a good chance for me to change my lifestyle habit to normal~ for the last 2 months, my body getting worst just because of my bad habits, i reversing my time just liike an owl, black eyes circle, pimples n everythings came to visit me, arkkk enough i'm so sick!!! my life will just back to normal n safe if i have something to do or to catch with, i enjoy the busying life, maybe i should keep in on.......
P/S: i found that DR.G bb cream was super nice n good!!! it was easier to apply on ur face n soft, good in moisturised , won't dried up ur skin, covered everythings annoying, made ur skin look better n smooth..... i like it, thats the best bb cream i used compared to others although it was expensive''a bit''XD~ i bought it like $42+++ i think i cant rmb, ladies u should check it out !
aha guess what , i went to a cambodian wedding dinner!!! does it look cool ??? ermmm kinda same with chinese wedding style, the differences was the songs n the foods! 1st-ly talk bout the song... for me, is quite weird>< is not really like the wedding song but is an old song haha, somemore i dun noe what the song is talking bout, ok just leave it i dun really care ==''' then talk bout the foods....ermm is quite heaps, standard was ok, if u like it then is nice, i like it tho, not everything but some aha !!! i still rmb have a weird thing happened to me, when i was eating something nice, suddenlly gt a small prawn dropped from my head to my hand then to my leg!! WHAT THE HELL is going on??? where is the prawn came from??? the whole situation was out of my depth, till now i still cant understood whr is it came from, really doest made sense ! but i still guessing prabably is my brother grab the prawn then threw it to me, but he is not that childish wad.....haizzzzz headache >.<
present from the pretty bride
- little bear-
P/S: i wish i can go korea, CARIBBEAN BAY in seoul !!! heard that was a fantastic water park, it is the largest indoor/outdoor water park in the world ,covering a total area of about 242,321,000 square yards (78.2 sq mi; 202.6 km2)., interesting !!!!
'' oh cabi cabi, oh hottest hottest
oh cabi cabi in crazy crazy
oh cabi cabi oh cabi cabi
crazy summer time ! ''
没错,我非常钟情于这个人,没有着迷过什么演员艺人,他就唯一一个让我感到很欣赏!很可惜他有太多太多的粉丝太多太多的拥护者,我只不过是宇宙中的一个小黑点>.< 爱他的人看到他都无法镇定,每个乱喊乱叫走火入魔,VIDEO 看的太多,对他的粉丝非常无语,他们太疯狂,有点over, 好像森林野人没看过帅哥, 但他的却有这个本领~ 我虽然是小小fan, 对于做出疯狂举动我还无法接受,真是有失身份...有时间我要看完他演的所有电视剧连续剧,比较期待看宝贝与我呢,得上网搜一搜!
♥SARANGHAE oppa !!!♥
my new fren - his name is banc !
i like it ♥
i feel like want to write in chinese atm, but then but then......lazy to type in pinyin aha, veri sori for my laziness !
i buy bromide today, a korean magazine, no points to buy that, just because of nichkhun, i see him then i buy without hesitate, after realise i cant read the whole things, funny??? i'm just looking at the pictures n guess what they are try to talking bout, guessing n guessing n guessing, probably this probably that........guessing is really a tired things in the world !!! i in love vf nichkhun, plsss don't stop me......
i ask mummy to help me draw my eyebrows, although is make up but the step i oways skip is drawing eyebrows ! i hates my eyebrows since i was little because it is not pretty enough, i ignoring it for ages but today i decide to 'adorn' it~ i have no ideas at all, lucky mummy lend me a hand....ermmm is pretty right now!!! but i still nid more practising>.<
其实最近一直送礼物给自己,不知道是不是发烧了,这里送了圣诞礼物那里又送新年礼物,迟些还想说送生日礼物给自己,我很无奈啊>< 以前除了想着送什么给朋友和家人之外从不会考虑自己,近期对自己特别好,原来还会变啊.....?!! 我越来越爱听韩国歌了,虽然不完全明白里头的意思,也不就saranghae saranghae嘛,你爱我我爱你大家爱来爱去要生要死,可是它的旋律有别一番风味,有些还很感动呢!''我爱听,因为我爱浪漫,我爱听,因为我爱幻想,我爱听,因为我跟歌曲有心电感应,我更爱一个人听,因为真的很好听!''
有一段时间,我真的很想他,差一点控制不了,我不知道为什么会这样,我真的很想知道!很想很想,a-lin的‘给我一个理由忘记’就好像说中了自己的心事,越听越伤心......你不再找我,我们不再聊天,明明认识又好像不认识,你最后对我说的话就是:''take care my fren''....对阿,我还很潇洒地接受了,take care !我不想主动做些什么,只为了守住我那颗自尊心,从来只有你哄我,而我只会打击你,每次口不对心,非常成功地....让你放弃了~ 很佩服自己,不去演戏真的埋没了我的才华., 我真的没有想过要这样TT 以前抱着不去做那些没有结果的事情这种心态,现在也是,以后都是,我没有想过要改变这种想法,它会不会害死我?我已经没关系了,是我自愿的~
啊哈,新一年过了我忘了许愿哦,是因为没有愿望吗?????开什么玩笑,本人的愿望多多都不够!可是做人不可以贪心,知足就好[我每次这样安慰自己><]~ 好啦,愿望留在生日再许,虽然没有一定实现的保证,至少还有 1线希望啊!今年愿望表一定要多加一条 ———我要跟nichkhun 偶遇,跟他做朋友!请大家不要打击我,有愿望必有希望!!!
*结婚了的朋友 - 跟老公/老婆恩恩爱爱,白头到老!
*谈恋爱的朋友 - 牵了手就不要轻易放手,一直一直走下去,退一步海阔天空,学会忍让啊大家!
*还单身的朋友 - 早日找到白马王子/公主,月老不会亏待你们的!