Tuesday, March 1, 2011

im a 20 years old lady !


i had an awesome birthday party vf my buddies, i love my cake so so much, thx q !
officiall turning 20 now, from a teenage turn to a lady
actually i could felt i already grown up, mummy used to tell me that life would passing so fast after u turn ur age to 20 +++, i actually believes it as now im not willing to think the time after 10 years.......
when i was little, i wish i could be an adult, so that i could fly away without constraint
i wish to try somethings new, somethings 18++ , somethings i never try before
now im turning to an adult, i had changed my minds
yes is less contraint, but coming with the annoyance and confusion, so much worser
u looking for the things u wanted, the life u wanted, but everythings doesn't go smooth
u started to worry, to give up.....
i noe that is the parts of our life, no 1 could always go well in their life without a setback
i cant tell the future, what can i do is just follow my minds, if that is right, then go for it
i have to take responsible of what i have done ~


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